Office of Advancement

Institutional Advancement

Institutional Advancement

教务处在筹款方面提供领导和支持, alumni engagement, corporate support, and sponsorship opportunities. 通过建立和培养与校友的关系, 朋友, 父母, 基金会, and corporations, 我们努力创造一个共同的利益,最终目标是慈善支持, 在支持正规博彩十大网站的使命和愿景方面发挥着至关重要的作用.

A gift to Coker is more than just a gift.

By providing much-needed financial assistance through scholarships, 你的天赋使我们许多最优秀、最聪明的学生受益于正规博彩十大网站的经历. 每一笔捐款都为奖学金和致富正规博彩十大网站提供即时支持, transformative experiences everyday life on Coker’s campus. 你的礼物是一项投资,它使科克学生有可能建立终身的友谊,并推出令人惊叹的人生故事,这将是子孙后代的骄傲.

If you would like to make a pledge, 更多信息请联系教务处:843-383-8014.

给 to Coker!

Greg Daniels, Major Gift Officer

Amy Morris, Director of Annual Giving and Donor Relations

Jennifer Rhodes, Director of 校友 Engagement

Ways to 给

Annual Scholarship Fund

Gifts to the Annual Scholarship Fund support Coker students, 尤其是那些没有经济援助就无法就读正规博彩十大网站的学生.

Your gifts make it possible for students to excel in the classroom, learn from leading faculty, 被美丽的设施包围,享受一流的大学体验.

Donations to the Annual Scholarship Fund, our most important fundraising program, 帮助为每一个被考克学院录取的学生提供进入学校的机会.

没有你和其他像你一样的忠实支持者的投资, 对于许多对科克感兴趣的优秀学生来说,大学教育是遥不可及的.



作为一个 student-athlete at Coker University requires discipline, dedication, and character. Both on and off the field, the court and the mat, our Cobras give their best to the University and to our community.

在科克, 我们的家乡观众不仅为冠军欢呼,我们还团结在这些杰出的学生运动员身后,让他们知道他们的努力很重要.

The excitement is contagious. The loyalty lasts a lifetime.

我们感谢您对科克和我们450多名学生运动员的支持.  Your generous gift will allow us to attract and 为我们的社区、国家和世界各地培养具有学术和服务意识的领导者.


Kalmia Gardens

Kalmia Gardens of Coker University 是一个公共植物园,里面有建于1820年的托马斯·哈特历史住宅, and the Joslin Education Center.

花园为游客提供了体验独特林地的机会, 湿地, and nature trails. 我们占地35英亩的花园培育了多种植物和动物物种,包括“金葵”,” mountain laurel, namesake of the Gardens.

This unique living museum is part of the scenic S.C. Cotton Trail and gateway to the Segars-McKinnon Heritage Preserve.

We offer educational programs, picnic areas, a place to relax and reconnect with nature, a beautiful setting for photography, 以及为哈茨维尔和周边地区的房产增值的绿色空间.

视觉 and Performing Arts

The arts are fundamental to our humanity. They inspire us and foster creativity, goodness, and beauty. 它们给我们带来欢乐,帮助我们表达我们的价值观,并在不同文化之间架起桥梁. 艺术是一个健康社区的基本组成部分,在社会上起到加强作用, educationally, and economically.

长期以来,视觉和表演艺术一直是正规博彩十大网站的骄傲, in Hartsville, and throughout the region.

优秀的传统已经出现在我们的学生和教师参与视觉艺术的期望, 跳舞, 音乐, and theatre.

你们今天对艺术的贡献将会改变年轻人的生活, aspiring artists and performers at Coker. Your financial support

了解更多 about Partners for the Arts!
4 performing and visual arts students, each striking a pose relevant to their specific field; Art, 跳舞, 音乐, 或剧院. They are surrounded by multicolored clouds.

Donor-Advised Funds: Coker’s Eligibility


如果你已经从捐款人建议基金(daf)提供的即时税收减免中受益, 你应该知道正规博彩十大网站是符合美国国税局资格的公共慈善机构, 因此有资格从您的捐献基金中接受捐款. 请遵照基金所提供的最低供款指示, the process for recommending grants, 等.

Gifts of Stock

股票可以作为礼物送给科克,科克可以从股票价格的任何收益中获益. Giving the gift of a stock can also provide benefits for you, 特别是如果股票升值了,因为你可以避免为这些收益或收益纳税.

股票可直接转入库克在哈茨维尔Stifel Nicolaus的经纪账户.  The University’s DTC transfer number is 0793, the account number is 71555528, and the account name is “Coker College Endowment Fund Clearing A”.  If needed the University’s Tax I.D. is 57-0324916. 请联系进步办公室,让我们知道你正在发送库存:843-383-8014, so that we can correctly give you credit.

Be part of our community, as we work together to learn, lead, and inspire.

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